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TOP 3 Ways To Make Money Online in 2023

 TOP 3 Ways To Make Money Online in 2023

hey guys how's it going mike fasil here
welcome this video before we actually
remind you that several spots have
opened up for this week's free workshop
where it's the fastest and easiest way
to make money online we literally have a
62 year old woman go from zero to 160
grand profit in 90 days so sign up for
it now so one of the reasons why i
wanted to learn how to make money online
was because i just wanted more freedom
for myself right i didn't want to slave
away at a job that i didn't like i
didn't want some boss to constantly yell
at me and tell me how it was invaluable
i didn't want to literally trade away
all of like my time away from money that
i was never going to have any time to
actually spend because that just idea
made no sense to me and i just wanted to
you know do things like travel i want to
do things like for example you know go
to places i've never seen or to pursue
my passions or to spend more time with
my family i just didn't know how because
in this stage in my life i just had no
skills whatsoever my entire paradigm was
oh trade my time for money trade my time
for money i had no idea that it was
actually possible for me to separate the
fact that oh i can make money without
actually trading any more time which is
why when people get started making money
online it's not necessarily a vehicle
thing it's more so a confidence thing
and the goal of the matter is how can
you pick like easy wins for the complete
beginner with no experience to start

making their first dollar online and

start building up their confidence so
that they could start for example be
making greatness in their life actually
happen because that's kind of like the
biggest thing like i interview a lot of
successful people that make money online
like for example i'll interview this 11
year old girl to turn on 30 million
or i'll interview this guy that makes a
million dollars a month profit and we'll
just get a bunch of like messages in our
social media saying oh that's great for
them but that would never work for me
because it's of course impossible to
compare where you are right now as a
complete beginner two people have been
doing it for decades but like i said
help for me back before i interviewed
them before i had any of the success
that i had was building up my small
little wins so i could start believing
more in myself and in this video i'm
going to go over three ways you could
start building up and make micro wins
that could start allowing you to start
breaking your records for yourself does
that make sense
so one of the first things that i did
that started increasing my belief levels
in myself when i had no experience
whatsoever no skills no confidence i was
afraid to show my face on camera i had
no selling skills no marketing skills no
advertising skills was this stupid
simple method of making money online
where it was almost like no risk and it
got me to a point where i was making 100
a day so literally back when i was first
getting started i was afraid that i
didn't have any like experience what i
did know was i could at least find some
type of logic right like i knew business
was very simple to buy low sell high buy
low sell high i'd always see my dad go
to garage sales buying things for low
then we would just collect a bunch of
junk in our garage that we could never
actually sell high so i thought that
that method was risky if you can't sell
it but then i started thinking well what
if i could sell high first
and then take the money and then buy low
only after i made the sale that's what i
noticed a lot of people are doing this
with ebay right ebay literally this is
one of the lowest risk ways so type in
the word bunk by cherry and you could
see exactly what i'm talking about you
could see that there's literally
hundreds of people making money with a
stupid simple opportunity i'll literally
pull this up look at this this bunk bed
361 bucks
two have already been sold right but
what if i were to tell you that this
exact same bunk bed with this exact same
picture exists on walmart for 249 bucks
so you can kind of see where we're going
with this that's nearly a hundred
dollars difference in terms of a markup
110 bucks right if someone sold this on
ebay that would be nearly 50 bucks
profit after ebay fees right
so essentially what i did back in the
day to build up my belief is in my free
time i would just copy and paste
pictures from walmart from
from from onto
ebay right because when you first get
started it's free to just go up and test
things right of course later on when you
get more advanced you're going to have
to get like anchor stores and whatnot to
sell more products but in the beginning
it's free to go ahead and get started
right and when i did that one thing was
like started clicking my mind i was like
this literally doesn't cost anything
like i remember the day that i started
doing this i was like wait this is kind
of weird i'm not spending any money i'm
just kind of like copying pasting
but yet like nothing's happening until
one day on my phone app it was like
cha-ching to change and i was like what
the heck was that apparently the ebay
app makes the chat noise whenever you
make a sale and when i made a sale the
money directly went into my paypal
account and i got the customer shipping
details so guess what i ended up doing
once i would get a sale i would then go
to walmart as if i was like the buyer
himself i would add to cart but instead
of putting my own shipping details i
would put the customer shipping details
and i would spend the customers money so
if you think about it that was virtually
a low risk to no risk way to get started
making money online and that's exactly
how i started making a hundred dollars a
day profit right i would literally just
do it in spare time i'd have a bunch of
products and i could actually just sell
and to see exactly how this actually

you can literally go to for example uh
the product seller right here and you
see other items and the coolest thing
about ebay is they'll show you all the
things that are sold like look at this
he has 475 products for sale on his
store right now now this isn't products
that he has in his garage that he's
going to ship out those little products
that exist on walmart on amazon and on
all these other platforms and he only
has to spend money on it after he he's
already made a sale does it make sense
so you can see how lucrative it is like
if each one of those only make one sale
a month and he profits 10 bucks because
he's dealing with like furniture and
really big ticket things right so it's
reasonable because this one was like 50
profit that would be like i don't know
four grand a month profit that's nearly
a hundred dollars a day so do you see
how crazy of an idea this is and you can
just grab products from walmart throw up
on ebay and just begin starting just
like that right now the second way that
people are starting to make really good
passive income online is literally
leveraging clickbank now this is a very
important way because if i was just a
beginner just getting started i don't
have the time or the expertise to create
my own product i don't know how to do
customer service i don't know how to do
product management customer service
fulfillment shipping and handling
logistics why on earth would i go ahead
renderer" style="align-items: baseline; background-attachment: initial; background-clip: initial; background-image: initial; background-origin: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-size: initial; border: 0px; display: flex; flex-direction: row; font-size: 1.2rem; margin: 0px; padding: 8px 16px 8px 3px;">
and do that if i have no idea on it so
one of the reasons why i love clickbank
as a complete beginner is because
someone else will literally do that for
me right like as you can see some of the
top products on clickbank right now
are literally like for example this
weight loss supplements where you could
1200 people have made money with this in
the past 30 days 147 commission in the
dietary supplements and you can see the
reason why i love clickbank is like it's
literally one of the first ways that
literally got me like really good
success like you can see back in 2018 i
went from zero to eight grand in a
single month right in commissions
because i didn't have to do shipping and
handling i didn't have to spend time
creating or formulating a product
because it existed i didn't have to do
shipping handling or customer service i
literally could just go to clickbank
click promote and essentially make money
on day one if i could get people to go
ahead and buy this right so that's one
way right and you're probably okay well
what are some easy ways to go ahead and
get found well like some of the basic
ways that people do is they create blog
articles and rank on google but that
could be super competitive right but
essentially just so you know how the
less competitive way works is what
people do with they create like a blog
goal right they go ahead and talk about
the best diet pills for women to lose
weight fast right that's normally what
they rank for it's either best of it's
review it's versus those are the biggest
things right because if i wanted to buy
something like say i met up with some of
my friends here and i was like oh let's
get a cheeseburger here in bali what i
would google is best cheeseburger in
bali cheeseburger store a versus
cheeseburger b or cheeseburger a review
because i want to see like what is the
best place that i can eat but if i were
going to go ahead and google that
what does that show me i want to spend
money so the best the verses and the
reviews are some of the top keywords to
go ahead and create content for right
and what people are doing is when people
create content on either a blog on
youtube on google on anything is
whenever someone clicks on this link
and it gets them sent over to for
example you know the sales page this
person that created this content
literally got commission from it so what
are low competition ways you could go in
and do this what some people are doing
is they're literally taking the calls
that they will normally rank on google
but because google is so competitive
they're just turning into ebooks and
ranking it for free on amazon why
because amazon is has a bunch of buyers
right so what people are doing i type in
the word free weight loss book you
notice that people are ranking for this
on amazon for free and they're literally
turning their blog articles something as
small as 15 pages with huge text right
so it's not like a very small text it's
like when you overlook your shoulder and
you look at your mom or your grandma's
like text it's huge because they can't
see that's literally what some of these
kindle like books are right and they're
making money because they're just
linking the 13 fat blasting hacks to
maybe clickbank products so that's just
some ways right now the third way which
is one of the best ways to make passive
income right now online for complete
beginners is literally using robot
voices to create one simple two to three
minute videos on youtube now here's the
craziest thing you don't have to show
your face on camera you don't even have
to make a bunch of content all you need
is one and you can see from this one
channel that has no content whatsoever
no reviews show no subscribers shown
this one video gets 25 million views
this one video probably made this person
like millions of dollars right because
they literally use this ad to sell you
know affiliate marketing products like
on clickbank you can see if i literally
click play if you wear glasses or
contacts you must see this a japanese
nobel prize notice this that is a robot
the text is literally just a text that
we'll show you exactly how to create and
the video was literally made for them
with like some auto generator right and
this is literally what people are doing
brand new this year like for example
complete newbie beginners like dina at
age 47 years old a stay-at-home mom went
from zero to 30 grand a month in five to
eight weeks with no experience and if
she was able to do this and hundreds of
other people were able to do this and
make money online before when nothing
else in the past has worked for them
with this brand new opportunity right
now then what is stopping you and if you
want to know exactly what they did and
hundreds of other people were able to do
to make their first hundred dollars a
day to even the first one thousand
dollars a day then sign up for this
week's free workshop below as well as
check out this video in this podcast
right here hope this helps love you guys
see you guys later

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